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Selected Works of S. W. Williams Have Come Out

发布者: [发表时间]:2013-04-17 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Two volumes ofSelected Works ofS. W. Williamshave come out:The Middle KingdomandThe Life and Letters of Samuel Wells Williams. This publication project is organized by Research Center of Overseas Sinology in coopration with Macao Foundation and Elephant Press, with Prof. Zhang Xiping, Chairman Wu Zhiliang and Prof. Tao Demin as chief editors. The other five volumes of the project areA Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language in the Court DialectJournals of Samuel Wells WilliamsJournal during the Expedition to Tientsin and Peking;A Journal of the Perry Expedition to Japan;Documents on Japan-US Relations in Samuel Wells Williams Archives, which are scheduled to come out before the end of 2013.